Wednesday, November 12, 2014

'Life is no brief candle'

As much as possible, I want to make my days count. I want my life to count for something. I realize every day can't be a red-letter, amazing and totally productive day. But I at least want as many of my days to "burn as brightly as possible."

That's why this George Bernard Shaw quote really struck me when I came across it: "Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I am permitted to hold for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations."

Shaw's attitude of life as a privilege comes through—"... a sort of splendid torch which I am permitted to hold for the moment...."Yes, truly life is a gift. That said, how do you want to spend it? And what do you want to leave as your legacy for future generations?

It's always good to reflect on such big life questions so we can be intentional about how we want to spend our days rather than sleepwalk through life and get to the end with regrets.

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