Tuesday, November 18, 2014

8 things I've learned so far

Recently a group of friends and I talked about things we have learned as we age. I'm sure there are many more things, and I definitely plan to learn more in whatever years I have remaining, too. But here are some things I've learned so far:

• We live in a both/and world. Much of life is not either/or and clear cut. More of it is ambiguous and both/and. For example, I can be clear about my own values and beliefs and still be open to learning about those of others. I can let things be what they are and still be an agent for change, in my life and in the world. I can follow my passions and dreams and be with what's real right here and right now.
• Authenticity is important. I want to be true to myself and not be who others want me to be.
• Gratitude makes my life richer and better. I've heard it said, "Energy flows where attitude goes." An attitude of gratitude is a good start.
• I need to let go, let go, and let go some more. Old tapes, limiting beliefs, wrongs I've done or that have been done to me, behaviors that don't serve me or anyone else. So much to shed so I can live a clearer, more joyful life.
• Self-love and self-care are not selfish. They're essential if I'm going to love and care for others, too.
• Life is all about relationships.
• I am a better person when I stop to smell roses or watch butterflies. No one gets to their death bed thinking, "I wish I had worked harder" or "I wish I'd spent more time in the office." Breathe!
• I need my friendships with other women. I love the special men in my life, but my "girlfriends" are so essential to my well-being.

What would you put on this list for yourself?

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