Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring & hope

Now I don't have SADD. But I'm with John Denver ... and his song lyrics: "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry. Sunshine on the water looks so lovely. Sunshine almost always make me high."

I'm writing this on a fabulously beautiful spring day in the Chicago area. In fact, it's April Fool's Day as I write this. But the weather is not fooling—it definitely smells and feels like spring. Ah, and I'm so ready. So is everyone else, if casual conversations overheard in the past few days are any barometer.

While happiness is an "inside job" and depends so much on our attitude and state of mind, externals also can affect how we feel. Spring, with its new life and rebirth, reminds us that darkness doesn't last forever. The seed doesn't stay buried in the ground forever. The cocoon isn't forever. Soon green things will sprout and grow. Soon enough the butterfly will emerge and soar in all her beauty. So this is a time of hope. And who doesn't need a little hope?

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