I've heard several people near retirement age speak of their fears of retirement. "What will I find to do?" "I'll get bored in the first day or two." "Who will I be when I retire?" "Is this all there is?"
For some people, many fears surround retirement. Others cannot wait for the years to pass until they can retire.
If you are one who worries about what you'll do or what your identity will be, just remember that there are so many possibilities these days. Many people have an "encore career"—a career that might be less demanding and simply something you will enjoy but that you won't have to carry home with you at night. Yet others choose an "encore career" that is demanding; they're not ready to give up the fast-paced life just yet. Still others find an array of volunteer projects and positions. So many organizations and institutions depend on volunteers to get things done these days—or to add a friendly face to greet clients. For example, whenever I visit someone in the hospital near me, I see numerous volunteers greeting people, showing them to the correct floor or unit, taking their initial information, etc.
After I was reduced in force from my journalism career and before I began my life coaching practice, I volunteered at my local library. I love books, and I love libraries. So it was a perfect fit. I shelved books and sometimes I pulled the books from the shelf for people who had put them on reserve. I really enjoyed it—and quit only because I knew that even a small business start-up required my full attention.
There is no need to lose yourself to anxiety. Explore the possibilities and talk with others to learn more ideas. As always, if you want to talk further about this, please contact me for a complimentary strategy session about this.
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