Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Gratitude and giving

For what are you grateful on this Christmas Day? I'm spending it with some of my fiance's family—so as much as I'm enjoying connection, love, gifts, food and a warm home, I'm also thinking of people who don't know where their next meal will be, who sleep under a bridge or in a doorway—or if they're lucky, in a shelter—or who have absolutely no family or friends. And I'm grateful for the abundance in my life.

I want that gratitude to spur me to actually do something for those who have far less than I do. It's not enough for me to just think of them; I want to give in ways that will be helpful to (and respectful of) those who don't have all they need. Multiple possibilities exist for doing so. I want to never grow so complacent and unaware that a) I don't feel grateful for what I have, and b) I don't care for others who have far less.

That's what's on my heart this Christmas Day. What's on yours?

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