Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Toxicity & serenity: Making choices

Last weekend I attended a wonderful and soul-filling retreat that really focused on tending to our inner life, awaking to the beauty of life all around, reducing the toxicity and stress in our life and staying grounded and serene. After several days at a wonderfully slow pace that allowed time for a little (but extremely on-point) input from our retreat leader and a lot of time for walking, journaling, deep conversations with other retreatants, napping and just sitting in meditation, I came home so centered and relaxed.

The next day as I walked on my treadmill while watching the news on TV, I found myself getting all tensed up with stories about political fights (what's new, right?!), murder and mayhem. I could feel my serenity and groundedness slipping away. I wasn't ready to let that go and slip right back into the stress I feel when I get all caught up in the toxicity of news coverage. I opted to shut off the TV and just shake off the negativity.

I know I want to stay informed so at some point, I'll be ready to hear the news again. But for now, I just need to take a break. I need  a time-out! I want to keep this feeling of being centered and calm. I like the way it allows me to be more generous-hearted, loving, forgiving and compassionate. I want to be this way more often. Now to find the right balance for me....

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