Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December's crazy dance

How does your December calendar look? Is it completely marked up and filled in? Do you dance a frenzied tarantella when you'd rather do a slow waltz?

It may be too late for you this year if your calendar is already completely filled. But if you really don't like the chaos of holiday preparations, too many parties and gift-giving that's gotten out of hand (and beyond your budget), begin thinking now of changes you can make for next year.

If you enjoy the hustle and bustle, you don't need to change a thing—unless you want to do some tweaking. However, if you long for more calm and a better focus during the holiday season, try this:

First, think about what your holidays are like right now. Close your eyes and paint a picture (or write it out, if you prefer) of what the month of December is or will be like this year. Include sights, smells and other sensory information. Paint it with as much detail as possible. Then when that image is fixed firmly in your mind, let it go. Now paint a picture of how you would like your December to look. Again, fill it in with sensory detail and all "wants" you have.

Once you know where you are now and where you want to be, you'll have an easier time of building a bridge to get from one place to another. Want to spend less time and money in shopping malls—but still want to give unique and special ones to those you love? Get creative. Buy tickets for two (or more) to a concert or event you can enjoy together. Make something simple, whether baked or sewn, that will be so appreciated by the recipient because it was done with love. Are you afraid of gaining too much weight during December? Cut way back on the cookies and other goodies you bake. Decide which ones are special for you and those you love and eliminate all others. You'll save time, money and calories.

You get to decide what type of dance you'll do this month. Your choice: What will it be?

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