Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's your life purpose?

Studies show that those who have a solid sense of purpose for their lives live healthier lives and add years. Interestingly, studies also show that the U.S. does not rank in the top five countries whose citizens feel a strong and consistent purpose in life. You will be surprised at the top five: Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil and Denmark. Don't fear, however. You don't have to be discouraged by that. Make some choices for yourself.

Research also shows that meaning in life generally develops in adolescence for most people and continues through life. It also takes time so that people in later stages of life report greater meaning than those who are younger. Perhaps that's no surprise. We grow more comfortable with ourselves and our experiences as we age.

Also no surprise: We help ourselves by helping others. This gives our immune systems a good boost.

If you're not quite sure about your purpose, think about what lights your fire. Just try new things. You'll learn what fits. Go with your skills. Or you might try picturing yourself as a very old person who's looking back over your life. What did you do that truly gave you joy? Or what do you regret not doing that would have brought you joy? And if you'd like to discuss this, I invite you to contact me for a complimentary strategy session.

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