Thursday, July 7, 2016

A menu of possibilities

I am trying to be intentional about how I spend my time these days. I'm extremely conscious of being in the final third of life. Knowing that I have many more years behind than ahead of me, I want to be sure I spend them in ways that are congruent with my values and my hopes.

Yesterday as I thought about this topic again, it occurred to me that it might be good to create a menu of sorts—and then study it to see exactly what I want right now. I don't just mean a bucket list. Those are great to do for the large and extraordinary experiences or trips we want to have before we die. But I'm talking more about just how we want to spend our last days and years. What things do we want to be doing? What do we want our focus to be? Our attitude? How do we want our ordinary days to look and feel?

We do have choices to be made about such things. If we want to be positive and happy, we need to fill our hearts and minds with good things. We need to stop focusing on negative people and situations. Let go of that remark someone made that you didn't like. Stop dwelling on what you didn't get to do last week and look at the wonderful things that did happen. You get the picture.

Why not create your menu or possibilities? Study it as you do a restaurant menu. And then order up just what you want—and make it happen!

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