Thursday, June 28, 2012

You only have this moment

We've all heard it dozens of times. "Stop and smell the roses."

Do you do so? Really?

In my career as a journalist and when my parents were alive but aging and most of my grandchildren were far younger, I kept a pretty frantic pace. I didn't even see the roses much less smell them most of the time! I missed a lot of life's small beauties and miracles as I rushed through life.

After I lost my job and decided to retrain and reinvent as a life coach, I also chose to create a different lifestyle. I want to smell the roses. I want to tend and nurture all the important relationships in my life. I want to live in joy. I want to be awake and aware. I want to live until I die!

But it's so easy to rush through life and miss its beauty, isn't it? We all do have many important things calling for our attention. Our to-do lists are long and growing.

Yet all we really have for sure is the present moment. How do you want to spend this moment? Do you need to make some different choices today? I invite you to do whatever you need to do to pay attention to the beauty all around you. Don't reach life's end filled with regrets. I'm just guessing we won't spend our final hours wishing we'd worked harder or done more housecleaning! Just sayin' ....

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