Thursday, January 22, 2015

'I think I can'

If you think you're going to fail, doesn't that often become self-fulfilling prophecy? Yes, it does for me, too.

Henry Ford was correct when he said, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, either way, you're right." It's also like the children's story about the little train that could. When it tried to get up a hill, it kept repeating, "I think I can, I think I can." And sure enough, the little train did scale the hill.

So when you have a goal, a dream or a passion you want to follow, check your attitude. Is it positive and confident? Or do you need a nice boost to your confidence level? If you need that boost, don't feel any shame about that. Simply ask a trusted friend or loved one for what you need—until you feel positive enough to say you can do what you wish to do. And do those things that always help you get in touch with your most confident self.

Attitude makes such a difference. Perhaps we can't be positive and confident 100 percent of the time. But we certainly can talk things over with someone else, immerse ourselves in inspirational literature or engage in yoga or meditation until we feel a shift in our attitude. Whatever will help us gain a positive attitude—that's what we need to do.

What would you like to do today? Go ahead; charge up your attitude and go for it.

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